Life Lessons

Do you have the right attitude? These are important life lessons:

  1. Hate to break it to you but you are the reason your life sucks so much.
  2. If you think your life sucks, it probably does.
    If you think the world is out to get you, it probably is. If you think you deserve more, you probably do.
  3. The only thing in the world holding you back from achieving greatness is in fact you.
  4. If you think the world is out to get you it’s because you have a shit attitude towards life – you’re looking at everything the wrong way. You’re using the negatives to fuel you instead of the positives. You’re letting the negatives control your mind and in turn you’re allowing them control of your life. You’re letting the bad things win.
  5. You will never amount to any form of greatness if you spend your life working some boring desk job that just drains you of your energy because you’re too lazy to get out and search for something more fulfilling – that is no one’s fault but your own.
  6. You will never travel the world and see Paris if you keep making excuses for why you can’t go. Just buy the plane ticket, pack a bag and go. Let the world shape you and open your eyes. Let it challenge you and frustrate the hell out of you. Struggle with language barriers and get lost. Surrender the control you possess in everyday life and just go.
  7. You will never lose weight if you don’t change your eating habits. You will never improve your health if you don’t eat more vegetables and exercise. You will never get smarter or broaden your horizons if you’re unwilling to learn from others and read.
  8. You will never be happy if you’re constantly looking at the negatives. You will never reach happiness in your life if you’re constantly surrounding yourself by people and things that drain you.
  9. You are the reason you are unhappy you are the reason you’re stuck in a rut and your relationships are poor and you’re constantly criticizing others and looking for more. That’s all on you.
  10. There’s no way to sugar coat it. You are your own worst enemy; you are the only one who is standing in the way of your goals and your success.
  11. Life doesn’t owe you or anyone else anything, so don’t expect it to. Don’t expect a million dollars to show up at your door, don’t expect to wake up with a rocking body, don’t expect to get your dream job if you don’t ever put work into it.
  12. If you want something you have to work hard for it. Not a half-assed hard either, I mean you need to work your ass off. You need to make sacrifices and push through even when things get messy and complicated. You need to keep going when everything in you is telling you to give up because that’s the only way, you’ll ever amount to anything great.
  13. If you think your life sucks it probably does, it’s just like the quote, “he who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right.”
  14. Don’t stand in the way of your own life, don’t give up when things get hard because quitting will never get you anywhere. Instead, work harder and work smarter.
  15. Believe in yourself when no one else does so you can look back and say, “I told you so.”
  16. No one will believe you can do it until you do, so you have to want your own dreams. Others can want your dreams for you but you’re the only one who can make them happen and you’re the only one who can succeed or fail in reaching them.
  17. Stop doing things that don’t fulfill you, stop blaming others for your problems and stop thinking life owes you something because it doesn’t. If you want your life to get better then start living like it. Start doing something positive in the right direction and don’t stop until you get there, then keep Stop doing things that don’t fulfill you, stop blaming others for your problems and stop thinking life owes you something because it doesn’t. If you want your life to get better then start living like it. Start doing something positive in the right direction and don’t stop until you get there, then keep Stop doing things that don’t fulfill you, stop blaming others for your problems and stop thinking life owes you something because it doesn’t. If you want your life to get better then start living like it. Start doing something positive in the right direction and don’t stop until you get there, then keep going.

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